29 September 2008

New Neighbors & Camper Closed

Our camping neighbors of the last 7 years are gone. They bought land and took the camper there. We will be friends forever, but no longer summer time neighbors. This weekend our new neighbors moved in - I think it will be a fun time, too bad we all were closing up this weekend. Our camper is closed up now until May of 2009. I wish we could stay for the October colors, but it is also a blessing because getting up there once school and all it's activities start, it is hard to tkae the kids and leave town for a weekend.

On to fall clean-up at home...

23 September 2008

Tough Tuesday...

Thunderstorms, dark, dreary and me - lazy and
unproductive. So in the spirit of trying to feel like
I was slightly productive, here is the done list:

Drove carpool this morning
Got needed shot
Appointment with outplacement guy scheduled
Went to SSK (knitting group)
Finished M's wrister's (hunter orange)
Picked up dog food to transition Mocha to adult food
Called 103yo Aunt Kat
Called Dad
Made dinner for G and I (very big deal)

Well, I guess I wasn't a TOTAL slug...

21 September 2008

Happy 17th Anniversary to Us

Today is my 17th wedding anniversary. Hubby and I celebrated yesterday with a day at an art fair and dinner out. I cannot believe 17 years have gone by. I look older, but mind has not caught up with my body. I pray that we can get through all the 'stuff' that we are dealing with now and that we will have many more.

19 September 2008

Panic Attack Arrested...

OK, not really a panic attack, but I was beginning to wonder if I had made some horrible interviewing blunder. I have had 2 interviews with a company I am very interested in. It was said that they would be scheduling the 3rd interview with me this week. I also provided them my reference list. As far as I new, no references had been contacted and today it was over a week since the last interview. TRYING REALLY HARD NOT TO WORRY!

At 5:01pm (at least by my clock) my cell phone rang. IT WAS THE HR REP. FROM THIS COMPANY. Overjoyed, I have my 3rd interview scheduled (not until October). I will continue to press on with the hunt, but I have high hopes.

18 September 2008

getting into a routine?

So, it has been almost 3 week since school started. The kids seem to be liking school - all but the homework (typical). I am actively job hunting. I have had some interviews - scary - it has been a while.

In addition, I have traveled to north eastern WI and into MI. Fun trip with 16 9th graders in a RV. No, I am not insane, but I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. I have also been catching up on knitting projects that need finishing, house cleaning, budget, bills and some reading.

So with all this going on you would think our family has gotten into some type of routine. I think all have but me. I have to get a job soon. Not the financial aspect (though that is getting tighter), but to get me on a motivating schedule. I could easily fill up my time with vounteer work and other items, but I am afraid to make commitments because I don't know when I will land a job, what the work week will look like, etc.

Lake Escape 2008 @ Bond Falls, MI

Praying that God will light my path toward a job that will glorify him.

02 September 2008

1st Day of School & Why I go NORTH!

The house seems awfully quiet. The freshman and 5th grader are off to school...

We spent a relaxing weekend up north. Below are a few pictures of why I just love it up there!